Legal notice
The present site called « » (hereinafter the “Site“) is the property of Cromology Holding, whose registered office is located at Tour carré Michelet 5e étage, 10-12 Cours Michelet CS 40288, 92065 La Défense Cedex, (the “Company“). By using the Website and the information contained therein, users acknowledge having read this legal notice and accept it expressly. The present notices may be modified at any time by the Company; as soon as they are posted, these changes are deemed to be accepted by the users.
Site Content – Limitation of Liability
The Site has a vocation of information and communication to the public. The information contained on the Site is given as an indication. The Company declines all responsibility in case of inaccuracy, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the Site; for any suspension or interruption of the Site; and more generally for any direct or indirect damage resulting from access to or inability to access the Site, use of the Site, information available on it and / or other sites that are and, in particular, any financial, commercial, loss of programs or data in the user information system. The Company also declines any responsibility regarding the conformity of the information available on the Site with the uses that the users wish to make. As a result, users acknowledge that they use this information under their exclusive responsibility.
Intellectual property
All the elements contained on the Site (software, texts, animated or not images, sounds, know-how, database and more generally any type of data) are protected by the French legislation on the copyright and the intellectual property . Any representation and / or total or partial reproduction of the Site, by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of the Company is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property . No element of the Site can be interpreted as granting to the users any right of intellectual property on the Site and / or its contents. Only the right to consult the Site is granted to them.
Personal use
All elements of the Site are made available to users for their personal use. They are prohibited from using the elements of the Site for commercial or advertising purposes.
Link to other sites
The Site may contain links to other mobile or web sites, including the sites of the Company’s partners. The establishment of these links has been subject to prior and express authorization. The existence of these links does not imply any control or approval by the Company of their content. Consequently, the Company can not be held responsible for the content and / or the operation, nor for the damages of any kind that may be suffered by users during a visit to one of these sites. Any link creation to the Site is subject to the prior express authorization of the Company. This authorization may be withdrawn by the Company at any time, without the latter having to justify its decision to withdraw.
Processing of personal data
Users have the right at any time to access, rectify, update and, where applicable, oppose the data concerning them by writing to the Company (Carré Michelet 12, Cours Michelet 92800 Puteaux). Users are informed that, during their visits to the Site, a navigation tracking mechanism may be implemented.
Technical operation of the Site
The Site is normally accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In case of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties related to the structure of telecommunications networks or technical difficulties, for reasons of maintenance, without this list being exhaustive, access to all or part of the Site may be suspended or deleted by simple decision of the Company. For reasons of maintenance, and / or for any other decision of the Company, access to the Site may be interrupted. The Site is subject to change and changes without notice of any kind. The user acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use the Site. He acknowledges having verified that the technical configuration he uses contains no virus and that it is in perfect working order. In no event shall the Company be held liable for any direct, indirect or special damages resulting from the use of the Site or other sites related to it and, in particular, any financial, commercial, loss of programs or data in the user information system.
Attribution jurisdiction
The content of the Site is governed by French law. This is the case of substantive rules as rules of form, and its content will be appreciated by the only competent French jurisdiction. The rules of conflict of laws are excluded in favor of the complete and unreserved application of French law.
Photo credits
Grégoire Gardette, Christophe Lebedinsky, Photothèques Cromology, Arcol, Claessens, Tintas, Robbialac, Tollens et Zolpan.
The Site is published by Cromology, a simplified joint-stock company, with capital of €56.316.226 Head office: Tour carré Michelet 5e étage, 10-12 Cours Michelet CS 40288, 92065 La Défense Cedex, registered in the trade and companies register of NANTERRE under the number 488 401 985 ; SIRET: 488 401 985 000 46 – Telephone: +33 (0) 1 41 27 62 00
Publication Director: Anne-Élise Bosc, Director of Communication – Telephone : +33 (0)1 41 27 62 00
Hébergement: Le Site est hébergé chez Oceanet Technology, Siège social : 2 impasse Joséphine Baker, 44 800 Saint-Herblain, immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de NANTES sous le numéro 408 893 063 – Téléphone : +33 (0)2 28 03 78 79