Employee portraits
Our employees are in the best position to talk about their experience within Cromology. Check out their testimonials.

Retail Manager at Tollens
What do you like about your job?
I manage around thirty employees who make up the teams of the 12 Tollens Stores in my sector. In my management, I like to make the Esprit de Corps alive first. From my point of view, it is the first essential layer in the sense of business. The sales teams accompany both experienced and novice customers. It’s an exciting challenge, made of technicality, with both our professional and private customers. Because they experience a variety of situations related to their outdoor projects, especially facades, and their interior design projects. And consequently, so do we!
How did you evolve within Cromology ?
After an initial training in Fine Arts and Architecture and a commercial career in the BtoB building sector, I joined Tollens as a Technical Sales Assistant. I worked for two years in the Paris region before carrying out an important life project for my family: my move to the South-West. I expressed a desire for mobility. Cromology offered me a sales position in Bordeaux. After a year, I applied for my current position, Retail Manager. I wanted to develop a sales strategy and manage the business of a sector… and I was tempted by the managerial adventure!
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