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Employee portraits

Our employees are in the best position to talk about their experience within Cromology. Check out their testimonials.


Sales Animation Manager at Tollens

How did you evolve within Cromology ?

I joined the group in 2015 as Store Manager for the Tollens network in Paris with one person reporting to me on a store mixing private and professional customers. In 2016, my management asked me to take charge of a new, more B2B-oriented store, in Vitry-sur-Seine.
In 2019, I moved up to the position of flying store manager : I was supporting the sales teams of several stores. The mutual sharing of our knowledge, the solidarity between the teams during peaks of activity, and the support in developing their skills, make this a very rich experience.
Then in September 2020, I was in charge of the Aubervilliers store, a strategic one as it is the main point of departure for the region’s key accounts business.
Since June 2023, thanks to my previous experiences combining operations and technical skills, I am taking up the position of Sales Animation Manager for the North region. I manage a team of 11 sales stores managers, and ensure that the Group’s sales policy is properly implemented.

What do you like in your job ?

My day-to-day work is made up of interactions with diverse teams, enabling us to enrich our knowledge of the products and services we are all proud to represent.
I also like the traveling aspect of my job: I meet new people every single day, so routine never sets in.

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